Wednesday 20 February 2013

Providing provident fund detail of wife under right to information Act

Central Information Commission

Decision No.1816/IC(A)/2008
F. No.CIC/MA/A/2007/00583
Dated, the 10
January, 2008
Name of the Appellant: Sh
. Ashish Kumar Tiwari
Name of the Public Authority:
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
1. The appellant wa
s heard on 9/1/2008.
2. The appellant has asked fo
r the details of PF account in respect of his ex-
wife. The CPIO has, however, refused to
furnish the information u/s 8(1)(e) and
(j) of the Act.
3. During the hearing, t
he appellant stated that hi
s ex-wife is already
employed by a school and, t
herefore, there is no just
ification for payment of
maintenance allowance as awarded by th
e Court. He, therefore, pleaded that
the information asked for is required to seek exemption from payment of
maintenance allowance.
4. The appellant’s financial interest is a
ffected in the matter, as he is seeking
legal relief from the Court. The disclos
ure of financial details, mainly PF
contributions by his ex-wife
would surely help the affect
ed parties in arriving at
the reasonable amount
of maintenance to be paid to his divorced wife. The
disclosure of information sought is, theref
ore, in larger public interest. The
information should therefore be provided.
5. The CPIO is, therefore, directed to furn
ish the details of PF of his ex-wife,
after determining his identity as ex-hus
band of the person whose details have
been asked for. This information should
be furnished within 15 working days
from the date of iss
ue of this decision.
6. With these observations, the appeal is disposed of.
(Prof. M.M. Ansari)
Information Commissioner
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