Thursday 15 May 2014

Amendment in written statement incorporating subsequent event is permissible

The learned counsel for the respondent,
however, has objection to the amendment whereby the result of a
case of grant of Succession Certificate is sought to be pleaded at
the end of para no.19 of the written statement. The learned

counsel states that he opposes this amendment since the order on
the application for Succession Certificate was passed in the year
1995 when the suit was very much pending and therefore, that
amendment could have carried out at that time. The learned
counsel for the appellant points out that the appellant did not
hastily carry out this amendment because after the decision of the
Civil Judge (Sr.Dn.) in the application for Succession Certificate,
the plaintiff questioned that decision before the High Court and
the judgment of the High Court came in the year 2008 after the
suit was decided and during the pendency of the appeal.
Therefore, it cannot be said that even this amendment was an
after thought or was sought to be made to protract the
NO.98 /2013 (D) .
 Digambar  Maroti Amle, Vs  Shantabai Ramkrushna Girhe,

DATED : 4th APRIL, 2013.
Citation;2014(3) ALLMR176

1. Heard.
2. Admit.
3. By consent, taken up for final hearing.
4. The learned counsel for the respondent Ori.
plaintiff states
that he has no objection to the amendment proposed in para no.4
of the amendment application, whereby name of Ramdas Maroti
Amle is sought to be added as a necessary party to the suit. In
fact, the Hon’ble Single Judge had dealt with only this aspect of
the amendment application and since the respondent himself
concedes to the necessity of such amendment, the order to that
extent would have to go. The learned counsel for the respondent,
however, has objection to the amendment whereby the result of a
case of grant of Succession Certificate is sought to be pleaded at
the end of para no.19 of the written statement. The learned

counsel states that he opposes this amendment since the order on
the application for Succession Certificate was passed in the year
1995 when the suit was very much pending and therefore, that
amendment could have carried out at that time. The learned
counsel for the appellant points out that the appellant did not
hastily carry out this amendment because after the decision of the
Civil Judge (Sr.Dn.) in the application for Succession Certificate,
the plaintiff questioned that decision before the High Court and
the judgment of the High Court came in the year 2008 after the
suit was decided and during the pendency of the appeal.
Therefore, it cannot be said that even this amendment was an
after thought or was sought to be made to protract the
proceedings. In view of this, the order impugned cannot be
sustained. The order is, therefore, set aside and the writ petition
No.98 of 2013 is allowed setting aside the order passed by the
District Judge rejecting the application for amendment. That
application Exh.16, in RCA No. 16 of 2005 is allowed.
Letters Patent Appeal is disposed of accordingly.

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