Friday 23 May 2014

Duty of state when workers are engaged in hazardous and risky jobs

 Right to health i.e. right to live in a clean, hygienic and safe
environment is a right flowing from Article 21. Clean surroundings lead

to healthy body and healthy mind. But, unfortunately, for eking a
livelihood and for national interest, many employees work in dangerous,
risky and unhygienic environment. Right to live with human dignity
enshrined in Article 21 derives its life breath from the Directive
Principles of State Policy, particularly clauses (e) and (f) of Articles 39,
41 and 42. Those Articles include protection of health and strength of
workers and just and humane conditions of work. Those are minimum
requirements which must exist to enable a person to live with human
dignity. Every State has an obligation and duty to provide at least the
minimum condition ensuring human dignity. But when workers are
engaged in such hazardous and risky jobs, then the responsibility and
duty on the State is double-fold.
Occupational Health and
Safety Association … Petitioner
Union of India and others … Respondents
Citation;(2014) 3 SCC 547

K.S. Radhakrishnan, J.
1. The Petitioner, a non-profit occupational health and safety
organization, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, has
invoked the extra-ordinary jurisdiction of this Court under Article 32 of
the Constitution of India seeking the following reliefs :-
a. To issue a writ of mandamus or any other appropriate writ,
order, or direction directing the Respondents to frame
guidelines with respect to occupational safety and health
regulations to be maintained by various industries;
b. To issue a writ of mandamus or any other appropriate writ,
order or direction directing respondents to appoint and
constitute a committee for the monitoring of the working of
thermal power plants in India and to keep check on the

health and safety norms for the workers working in their
power stations;
c. To issue a writ of mandamus or any other appropriate writ,
order or direction directing the respondents to pay
compensation to the workers who are victims of occupational
health disorders and to frame a scheme of compensation for
workers in cases of occupational health disorders;
d. To issue a writ of mandamus or any other appropriate writ,
order or direction directing the respondents to notify the
recommendations as contained in paragraph 35 of the
Petition as guidelines to be followed by thermal power plant.
2. The Petitioner represents about 130 Coal Fired Thermal Power
Plants (CFTPPs) in India spread over different States in the country, but
no proper occupational health services with adequate facilities for health
delivery system or guidelines with respect to occupational safety are in
place. Factories Act, Boilers Act, Employees’ State Insurance Act,
Compensation Act, the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Environmental
Protection Act, etc. are in place, but the lack of proper health delivery
system, evaluation of occupational health status of workers, their safety
and protection cause serious occupational health hazards.
3. The Petitioner herein filed I.A. No.1 of 2005 and 2 of 2007 and
highlighted the serious diseases, the workers working in thermal plants
are suffering from over a period of years. The Report produced by the
Petitioner would indicate that half of the workers have lung function
abnormalities, pulmonary function test abnormalities, senor neuro loss,
skin diseases, asthama, and so on. This Court noticing the same,
passed an interim order on 30.1.2008, after taking note of the various
suggestions made at the Bar to reduce the occupational hazards of the
employees working in various thermal power stations in the country.
Following are the main suggestions put forward before this Court :
1. Comprehensive medical checkup of all workers in all coal
fired thermal power stations by doctors appointed in
consultation with the trade unions. First medical check up
to be completed within six months. Then to be done on
yearly basis.
2. Free and comprehensive medical treatment to be provided to
all workers found to be suffering from an occupational
disease, ailment or accident, until cured or until death.
3. Services of the workmen not to be terminated during illness
and to be treated as if on duty.
4. Compensation to be paid to workmen suffering from any
occupational disease, aliment or accident in accordance with
the provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923.
5. Modern protective equipment to be provided to workmen as
recommended by an expert body in consultation with the
trade unions.
6. Strict control measures to be immediately adopted for the
control of dust, heat, noise, vibration and radiation to be
recommended by the National Institute of Occupational
Health (NIOH) Ahmadabad, Gujarat.
7. All employees to abide by the Code of Practice on
Occupational Safety and Health Audit as developed by the
Bureau of Indian Standards.
8. Safe methods be followed for the handling, collection and
disposal of hazardous waste to be recommended by NIOH.
9. Appointment of a Committee of experts by NIOH including
therein Trade Union representatives and Health and Safety
NGO’s to look into the issue of Health and Safety of workers
and make recommendations.
4. Mr. P.P. Malhotra, learned Additional Solicitor General, submitted
that the suggestions no.1 to 7 have been accepted by the Central
Government stating that they are broadly covered in various existing
enactments and consequently pro-occupational action would be taken
for effective implementation of the relevant laws, in particular, areas
covered by those suggestions. After recording the above submissions,
this Court had also directed the Ministry of Labour to take steps to see
that those suggestions and relevant provisions of the various Labour
Acts are properly implemented to protect the welfare of the employees.
Learned ASG also submitted before the Court that the Central
Government would examine whether the remaining two suggestions i.e.
suggestion nos.8 and 9 could be implemented and, if so, to what extent.
5. The Writ Petition again came up for hearing before this Court on
6.9.2010 and this Court passed the following order:
“Vide order dated January 30, 2008, Respondent No.1 had agreed
to Guideline Nos.1 to 7.
However, time was taken to consider Guidelines Nos.8 and 9,
which primarily dealt with the appointment of Committee of
Experts by NIOH. The constitution of that Committee is also
spelt out in Guideline No.9. Today, when the matter came up for
hearing before this Court, learned Solicitor General stated that the
Committee of Experts has been duly constituted by NIOH and it
will submit its status report on the next occasion.
The writ petition shall stand over for eight weeks.”
6. The Government of India later placed a Report of the Committee
prepared by the National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH) titled

Environment, Health and Safety Issues in Coal Fired Thermal Power
Plants of the year 2011.
7. Shri Colin Gonsalves, learned senior counsel, referring to the
above-mentioned Report, submitted that the Union of India as also the
Committee have misunderstood the scope of the suggestion nos.8 and
9. Learned senior counsel submitted that not much importance was
given to the serious health problems being faced by the workers who
are working in the thermal power plants and the treatment they require
as well as the payment of wages and compensation to those workers
who are suffering from serious illness. Learned senior counsel pointed
out that some urgent steps should be taken to ensure the health and
safety of the workers, through comprehensive and timely medical
examinations, follow-up treatment as well as to provide compensation
for the serious occupational diseases they are suffering from. Even
these vital aspects, according to the learned senior counsel, have been
completely overlooked by the Committee.
8. Learned ASG submitted that the Report of the NIOH is
comprehensive and all relevant aspects have been taken care of and
that there are several laws to protect the health and safety of the
workers who are working in the various thermal power stations in the

country. Learned ASG also submitted that the Committee has
recommended the need of occupational health services with adequate
facilities for health delivery system and that all power generating
authorities must have well defined sector-specific occupational health
safety and environmental management framework. Learned ASG also
submitted that the Report would be implemented in its true letter and
9. This Court in Consumer Education & Research Centre and
others v. Union of India and others (1995) 3 SCC 42, has held that
the right to health and medical care to protect one’s health and vigour,
while in service or post-retirement, is a fundamental right of a worker
under Article 21 read with Articles 39(e), 41, 43, 48-A and all related
Articles and fundamental human rights to make the life of the workman
meaningful and purposeful with dignity of person. The Court held that
the compelling necessity to work in an industry exposed to health
hazards due to indigence to bread-winning for himself and his
dependents should not be at the cost of health and vigour of the
10. Right to health i.e. right to live in a clean, hygienic and safe
environment is a right flowing from Article 21. Clean surroundings lead

to healthy body and healthy mind. But, unfortunately, for eking a
livelihood and for national interest, many employees work in dangerous,
risky and unhygienic environment. Right to live with human dignity
enshrined in Article 21 derives its life breath from the Directive
Principles of State Policy, particularly clauses (e) and (f) of Articles 39,
41 and 42. Those Articles include protection of health and strength of
workers and just and humane conditions of work. Those are minimum
requirements which must exist to enable a person to live with human
dignity. Every State has an obligation and duty to provide at least the
minimum condition ensuring human dignity. But when workers are
engaged in such hazardous and risky jobs, then the responsibility and
duty on the State is double-fold. Occupational health and safety issues
of CFTPPs are associated with thermal discharge, air and coal emission,
fire hazards, explosion hazards etc. Dust emanates also contain free
silica associated with silicosis, arsenic leading to skin and lung cancer,
coal dust leading to black lung and the potential harmful substances.
Necessity for constant supervision and to the drive to mitigate the
harmful effects on the workers is of extreme importance.
11. India is one of the largest coal producing countries in the world
and it has numerous CFTPPs requiring nearly 440 million tons of coal
per year. We have about 130 CFTPPs in India. The thermal power

plants generate about two-third of the electricity consumed in India,
while 54.3% of the energy demand is met by coal fired power
generation. The NIOH in its Report in 2011 has already made its
recommendations with respect to the suggestions made by this Court in
its order dated 30.1.2008. Since the Central Government has already
accepted suggestions no.1 to 7, at the moment we are concerned with
suggestions no.8 and 9, which we reiterate as follows :-
“8. Safe methods be followed for the handling, collection and
disposal of hazardous waste to be recommended by NIOH.
9. Appointment of a Committee of experts by NIOH including
therein Trade Union representatives and Health and Safety
NGO’s to look into the issue of Health and Safety of workers
and make recommendations.”
12. The Report in para 4.1.2 has referred to various health hazards
and the same is reproduced hereinbelow :-
“4.1.2 General
. Use of Hazardous Material for Insulation: Certain materials
such as asbestos, glass wool etc. are used for insulation.
These materials are highly dangerous to human health, if
inhaled or if contacted with the eye/skin surface. While
handling such materials, the PPE should be provided to the
workers as well as proper disposal of waste asbestos and
glass wool should be ensured. Nowadays, safer substitutes,

such as p-aramid, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), cellulose,
polyacrylonitrile, glass fibres, graphite are available, the use
of which may be explored.
. Compliance with the provisions of the Environment
(Protection) Act and its amendments from time to time
applicable for the power plants with respect to emission and
discharge, ash utilization and hazardous waste management
should be ensured to protect the ambient environment as
well as maintain safe and healthy working conditions for the
The generated fly ash need to be utilized as per the CPCB
annual implementation report on fly ash utilization
(2009-10) that 100% utilization to be achieved by the power
plants, within 5 years from the date of notification (refer to
Table 17, page 48). For new CFTPPs, the fly ash utilization
needs to be regulated as per the schedule given in Table 17.
. It is desirable that the coal handling facilities are mechanized
and automated to the extent possible.
. Occupational health services should be provided for wide
range benefit to the workers. Broadly, it should contain the
facilities for occupational health delivery system with trained
manpower and infrastructure including investigational
facilities, environmental assessment, evaluation of
occupational health status and first aid training of the
workers on regular basis. These services should be
independent and separate from hospital services (curative
service) but should function in liaison with the curative

 Periodic awareness programmes regarding the health and
safety with active involvement of the workers should be
organized, covering each individual with the minimum
annual average duration of 8 hours per worker. Regular
community level awareness programmes may be organized in
the vicinity of the plant for the family members of the
. Periodic medical examination (PME), as required under the
Factories Act should be undertaken. However, the
investigations performed under the PME should be relevant
to the job exposures. Since coal/ash handling workers are
prone to dust exposure related diseases, due attention is
required to those workers. In case of need, the frequency of
PME may be scheduled, based on observation of the health
check-up information. Providing PPE and re-locating of job
for those workers may also be considered.
 As per recommendations of the Factories Act, the workers
need to be examined radiologically (chest X-ray) on yearly
basis. However, in order to avoid unnecessary exposure of
the human body to the radiation, the regular yearly chest
X-ray is not recommended, unless urgent and essential.
Considering the latency period of development of
pneumoconiosis, it is recommended to undergo chest X-ray
every two years for initial 10 years and based on the
progression, re-scheduling may be adopted. After 10 years it
should be done on yearly basis or earlier depending on the
development and/or progression of the disease.

 Health records should be maintained in easily retrievable
manner, preferably in electronic form. The provision should
be made to recall the worker, as and when his or her check
up is due. Pre-placement medical examination and proper
documentation of records should be mandatory.
. A comprehensive document on environment, health and
safety specific to coal based thermal power projects should
be framed. It should cover the legal provisions, management
system, best practices, safe operating procedures, etc. for
various areas of thermal power plants. This will serve as a
reference document for effective implementation of the
. All CFTPPs should have environmental and occupational
health and safety management systems in place, which are
auditable by third party, approved by the Govt of India
(Ministry of Power). Participatory management regarding
health and safety at plant level may be ensured.
. The occupier of the CFTPP shall be responsible for the
compliance of provisions of the Factories’ Act for
casual/contractual labour on health and safety issues. In
case of women workers, the provisions of the Factories’ Act,
as applicable, shall be given attention.
13. Para 3.1.2 of the Report specifically refers to the occupational
health and safety issues of workers in CFTPPs. The Report also refers to
the hazards associated with (a) dust, (b) heat, (c) noise, (d) vibration, (e)
radiation, and (f) disposal of waste. After dealing with those health
hazards, the Committee has stated that the hazards associated with
inhalation of coal dust might result in development of dust related
morbidity in the form of pneumoconiosis (coal workers pneumoconiosis,
silicosis) and non-pneumoconiotic persistent respiratory morbidities,
such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, etc. Further, it also
pointed out that whenever asbestos fibres are used for insulation and
other purposes, the possibility of asbestosis among workers due to
inhalation of asbestos fibres cannot be ruled out. The Report also says
that other morbidities because of exposure to fly ash, including metallic
constituents such as lead, arsenic, and mercury might also be present.
Due to exposure to other chemicals used in different operations of
CFTPP, the Report says, may also be responsible to adversely affect
human health.
14. Report further says that occupational exposure to high heat in
different thermal power plants may also cause heat related disorders,
like heat exhaustion. Noise and vibration exposures in higher doses
than the permissible limits may result in noise-induced hearing loss,
raised blood pressure, regional vascular disorders, musculo-skeletal
disorders, human error, productivity loss, accidents and injuries.
Radiation hazards particularly from the generated fly ash and its used
products have also been indicated of possible health risks. Different
chemicals that are often being used in CFTPPs, such as chlorine,
ammonia, fuel oil, and released in the working and community
environment may be responsible for wide range of acute as well as
chronic health impairments. Since large quantities of coal, other fuels
and chemicals are stored and used in CFTPPs, the risks of fire and
explosion are high, unless special care is taken in handling the
materials. It may cause fire and explosion. Further, it may also be
pointed out that in various work operations for manual materials
handling, the workers are subjected to high degree of physical stress,
with potential risks of musculo-skeletal disorders and injuries.
15. In para 3.1.5 the Report suggests certain protective measures for
health and safety and also steps to be taken for emergency
preparedness on spot/off-spot emergency plans and also the measures
to be adopted for social welfare.
16. We may notice, the recommendations made are to be welcomed,
but how far they are put into practice and what preventive actions are
taken to protect the workers from the serious health-hazards associated
with the work in CFTPPs calls for serious attention. Many workers
employed in various CFTPPs are reported to be suffering from serious
diseases referred to earlier. What are the steps taken by CFTPPs and
the Union of India and the statutory authorities to protect them from
serious health hazards and also the medical treatment extended to
them, including compensation etc. calls for detailed examination.
17. We notice that CFTPPs are spread over various States in the
country like Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Andhra
Pradesh, and so on, and it would not be practicable for this Court to
examine whether CFTPPs are complying with safety standards and the
rules and regulations relating to the health of the employees working in
various CFTPPs throughout the country. We feel that these aspects
could be better examined by the respective High Courts in whose
jurisdiction these power plants are situated. The High Court should
examine whether there is adequate and effective health delivery system
in place and whether there is any evaluation of occupational health
status of the workers. The High Court should also examine whether any
effective medical treatment is meted out to them.
18. We, therefore, feel that it is appropriate to relegate it to the various
High Courts to examine these issues with the assistance of the State
Governments after calling for necessary Reports from the CFTPPs
situated in their respective States. For the said purpose, we are sending

a copy of this Judgment to the Chief Secretaries of the respective States
as well as Registrar Generals of the High Courts of the following States :
(a)Uttar Pradesh
(d)Andhra Pradesh
(e)West Bengal
(f) Madhya Pradesh
(i) Haryana
(j) Rajasthan
(l) Delhi/NCT Delhi
(m) Gujarat
(p)Tamil Nadu
(r) Assam
19. Report of National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH) titled
Environment, Health and Safety Issues in Coal Fired Thermal Power
Plants of the year 2011 may also be made available by the Secretary
General of the Supreme Court to the Registrar Generals of the High

Courts of the aforesaid States. We make it clear that the Report is not
at all comprehensive in certain aspects and the respective High Courts
can examine the issues projected in this Judgment independently after
calling for the reports about the CFTPPs functioning in their respective
States. The Registrar Generals of High Courts of the aforesaid States
should place this Judgment before the Chief Justices of the respective
States so as to initiate suo moto proceedings in the larger interest of the
workers working in CFTPPs in the respective States.
20. The Writ Petition is accordingly disposed of.
(K.S. Radhakrishnan)
(A.K. Sikri)
New Delhi,
January 31, 2014.

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