Saturday 10 May 2014

Easement by prescription and easement by necessity whether both can be acquired by plaintiff ?

Learned   Counsel   for   the   appellant   referred   to   the 
ruling   in   the   case   of  Manikrao   Narayanrao   Bhoge   and 
Others vs. Maheshkumar s/o. Bansilal Vyas and another 
reported in 2011 (5) Mh.L.J. 345 to argue that Sections 13 
and   15   of   the   Easements   Act   need   to   be   read   together. 
Section 13 of the Easements Act provides for easement of 
necessity and quasi­ easement, while Section 15 of the Act 

provides   for   easement   by   prescription   which   are 
independent provisions.  If the parties are legally entitled to 
exercise easementary right under both the provisions, it is 
open for them to do so.  Thus, when the plaintiff produced 
evidence in the present case in the trial Court regarding his 
right of way enjoyed by him and his predecessor in respect 
of   the   approach   way   to   the   suit   land   for   carrying 

agricultural   implements,   bullockcarts   etc.   and   when   the 
trial Court found the evidence sufficient so as to pass decree 
in favour of the plaintiff after recording conclusion that the 
defendant had obstructed right of way pleaded and proved 
by the plaintiff, the first Appellate Court was unnecessarily 
swayed away by argument on behalf of the defendant to 
deny legal right declared by the trial Court in favour of the 
plaintiff   on   the   basis   of   prescriptive   easementary   right. 


Uttamrao Tulshiramji Madghe

Shrawan Natthuji Bagul (Pagtil),

      CORAM     :  A.P.BHANGALE,  J.
      DATE         :  19.4.2014.

Heard   the   submissions   advanced   by   the   learned 

This   appeal   is   directed   against   the   judgment   and 
Counsel for the respective parties.
order dt.6.9.2006 passed by the learned Additional District 
Judge,   Achalpur   in   Regular   Civil   Appeal   No.4   of   2002 
preferred by the original defendant in the suit. The appeal 
was   allowed.     The   appeal   arose   from   the   judgment   and 
order dt.10.12.2001 passed in Regular Civil Suit No.103 of 
1998 by the Joint Civil Judge (Jr.Dn.), Achalpur.  The suit 
for   declaration   and   injunction   was   decreed   by   the   trial 
Court with costs.  The trial Court had declared the suit way 
shown   by   alphabets   'ABCD'   in   the   plaint   map   as 

easementary   way   of   plaintiff   to   approach   his   field   and 
ordered   that   the   defendant   had   no   right   to   obstruct   the 
easementary way and directed the defendant to remove all 
the   obstructions   created   by   him   in   the   suit   way   and 
restrained   the   defendant   from   causing   obstruction   in   the 
user of the suit way by the plaintiff.   It was also ordered 

of the decree.
that the plaint map (Exh.86) in the evidence shall form part 
Briefly   stated   the   facts   appear   from   the   record   as 
under  : 
That the plaintiff claims to be owner and possessor of 
field bearing S.No.27/3 (Gat No.77) admeasuring 1 H, 49 R 
situated at village Nimkheda, Tq. Achalpur.   The plaintiff 
became owner of the suit field in the year 1979 after he 
purchased the field.   According to the plaintiff, defendant 
had   possessed   land   bearing   Survey   No.29   (Gat   No.69) 
admeasuring about 1 H, 23 R adjacent to the plaintiff's field 
on western side as indicated in the plaint map. The plaintiff 

claimed  user   of  the   suit  way  as   shown   in   the  map   since 
beginning   without   any   obstruction   and   it   was   the   only 
approach  way  to   his   field.  According   to  the  plaintiff,  the 
defendant, in the month of August 1998, had planted 18 
orange saplings to create obstruction in the user of the suit 
way and to close the user of suit way. Thus, it is the case of 
the plaintiff that it became impossible for him to use the 
suit   way   so   as   to   carry   his   bullockcart,   agricultural 
implements   etc.   to   his   field.     Therefore,   declaration   was 
sought in respect of user of the suit way and also that the 
defendant had no right to obstruct user of the suit way.  A 
prayer was also made for consequent mandatory injunction 
directing the defendant to remove the obstruction created 
in the suit way. 
The defendant in the trial Court had resisted the suit 
on the ground that he is in possession of the land bearing 
Survey No.29.   The defendant had admitted that Wadura­
Salepur   Government   road   is   adjacent   to   his   field   from 
northern side as shown in the plaint map, but denied user 

of the suit way by the plaintiff or his predecessor before the 
registered Sale  deed dt.  14.5.1987  in  respect of  the  land 
bearing old Survey No.29. It appears that the trial Court, 
after   considering   the   pleadings   and   evidence   led   by   the 
parties   including   the   documentary   evidence   and   report 
from the Commissioner, found that the plaintiff had proved 
easementary right of way through the side 'EFGH' indicated 

in the plaint map and that the defendant caused obstruction 
to the user of the right of way to the plaintiff.   Thus, the 
Court recorded the finding that the plaintiff is entitled to 
declaration and injunction, as prayed for.  According to the 
learned trial Judge, the map produced by the plaintiff  in 
respect of the land bearing old Survey No.29 was drawn by 
Taluka Inspector of Land Records, Achalpur (Exh.74). Thus, 
considering the evidence in the form of document as well as 
oral evidence led before the Court in the light of pleadings, 
the trial Court was pleased to pass decree in the suit, as 
prayed for.  The grievance of the appellant is that the first 
Appellate   Court   without   any   justification   reversed   the 
findings recorded by the trial Court in respect of user of the 

right of way for the plaintiff to approach his field by taking 
his   bullockcart,   agricultural   utensils,   implements. 
According   to   the   learned   first   Appellate   Court,   the   trial 
Court had not properly appreciated the material on record 
and   reached   to   a   wrong   conclusion.     The   learned   first 
Appellate   Judge   relied   upon   the   map   drawn   by   one 
Mr.R.K.Deshpande appointed as the Commissioner and on 

the ground that Mr.Deshpande in Exh.45 did not observe 
existence of way in dispute went on to make observations 
ignoring   evidence   led   on   record   and   brushed   aside   the 
findings recorded by the trial Court so as to direct dismissal 
of the suit.
This appeal was admitted on 5.4.2007 upon following 
substantial questions of law   :
Whether the Appellate Court was justified in  
reversing the judgment and decree passed in favour 
of the appellant without considering the fact that  
the appellant had pleaded that he had acquired the  

easementary right by prescription and not merely by  
necessity  ?
I answer the following substantial question of law in 
the negative for the following reasons.
Perusal of the plaint in Regular Civil No.103 of 1998 
clearly reveals that the plaintiff is owner of the land bearing 
Survey   No.27/3   (Gat   No.77),   admeasuring   1   H,   49   R   at 
village   Nimkheda,   Tq.   Achalpur.     The   plaintiff   became 
owner in the year 1979 and on west side of the plaintiff's 
field,   the   defendant   claimed   possession   of   field   bearing 
Survey No.29 (Gat No.69), admeasuring 1 H, 23 R in Class 
II occupancy.   According to the plaintiff, the field claimed 
by   the   defendant   was   formerly   a   gaothan   (hollow   land) 
allotted   by   the   Government   to   Maroti   Sheti   Wadar   for 
cultivation.   After the death of said Maroti, the defendant 
purchased   the   field   from   Ashok   Maroti   Wadar.     Thus, 
according to the plaintiff, there was a Government village 
road   from   Salepur   to   Wadura   and   the   plaintiff   and   his 
predecessor­in­title used to approach the field via Salepur 

­Wadura road upto the point EA and then turning to the 
south by the side of nali adjoining the eastern boundary of 
defendant's field by EFGH road upto the point GH and then 
used to enter in the plaintiff's field.  Thus, 'EFGH' way was 
8 ft. broad as indicated by green colour in the map annexed 
with the plaint.  It is used to be the way for the plaintiff for 
carrying his agricultural implements and taking bullockcart 

and     labourers   for   cultivation   and   bringing   home   the 
produce.     This   right   of   way   was   claimed   by   the   plaintiff 
without   interruption   peacefully   and   as   of   right   by 
prescription and as of necessity.  Therefore, it was the case 
of the plaintiff in the trial Court that the defendant had no 
right to obstruct the approach way of the plaintiff to and fro 
the field owned and possessed by the plaintiff.   When the 
defendant, despite registered notice dt.19.9.1998 served by 
the plaintiff, failed to remove obstacles in the form of new 
plantation   of   orange   saplings,   the   plaintiff   prayed   for 
declaration about the way indicated by green colour with 
alphabets 'EFGH' in the plaint map as approach way to the 
plaintiff's field indicated as ABCD in the plaint map seeking 

plaintiff in using way to approach his field. 
declaration that the defendant had no right to obstruct the 
It   appears   that   the   trial   Court   had   considered   the 
evidence led on behalf of the plaintiff along with the map. 
The   plaintiff   in   his   deposition   had   clearly   deposed   that 
there was gaothan in the same land which the defendant is 

claiming as his  land.   According  to the deposition by the 
plaintiff, the defendant had planted 18 saplings of orange 
trees on 16.8.1998 so as to prevent the plaintiff from using 
the way for approaching plaintiff's field.  The deposition of 
the   plaintiff   was   also   supported   by   the   witness   Ashok 
Mahadeo   Kurade   regarding   right   of   way   claimed   by   the 
plaintiff   and   unavailability   of   any   alternate   way   for   the 
plaintiff and also by witnesses Bapurao Pund and Sitaram 
Lokhande,   Marotirao   Dhundane,   Sahebrao   Shelke.   While, 
as against the evidence of witnesses examined on behalf of 
the plaintiff, the defendant has examined himself and one 
Rajaram   Kathe,   Bapurao   Raut   and   Ramkrushna 

It   also   appears   that,   in   the   trial   Court,   specific 

statement   under   signature   of   the   defendant   was   made 
under praecipe dt.18.12.1999 that the defendant will not 
obstruct the plaintiff till decision of the suit.  The suit was 
instituted after the notice dt.19.9.98 was issued from the 
plaintiff to the defendant regarding removal of obstruction 
by 18 orange saplings.  Thus, looking into the evidence on 

record   and   the   plaint   map,   the   trial   Court   had   passed 
decree in favour of the plaintiff, as prayed for.   The trial 
Court   found   that   the   plaintiff   had   acquired   easementary 
right   in   view   of   Section   15   of   the   Easements   Act   by 
prescription   of   continued   interrupted   user.   Under   these 
circumstances, when plaint map was drawn and produced 
on record with explanatory footnotes indicating user of the 
right of way and obstruction sought to be created, the trial 
Court was justified to consider the evidence in detail so as 
to pass decree, as prayed for.  
On the other hand, the learned first Ad­hoc Additional 
District Judge, Achalpur was swayed way by the fact that 

the   Commissioner   Mr.Deshpande   who   drew   the   map 
(Exh.45)   had   not   observed   existence   of   way   in   dispute. 
Considering the case of the plaintiff himself that obstruction 
was created by the defendant, the fact that Mr.Deshpande 
did not observe existence of way in dispute, could not have 
been relied upon so as to dismiss the suit.  The approach of 
the learned first Appellate Judge to ignore the evidence on 

record in the light of plaint map was perverse.  The findings 
of the trial Court could not have been brushed aside lightly 
without adverting to the evidence led on record for proving 
the right of way. It must be borne in mind that the trial 
Judge had benefit to see witnesses deposing as to facts in 
the trial Court.
Learned   Counsel   for   the   appellant   referred   to   the 
ruling   in   the   case   of  Manikrao   Narayanrao   Bhoge   and 
Others vs. Maheshkumar s/o. Bansilal Vyas and another 
reported in 2011 (5) Mh.L.J. 345 to argue that Sections 13 
and   15   of   the   Easements   Act   need   to   be   read   together. 
Section 13 of the Easements Act provides for easement of 
necessity and quasi­ easement, while Section 15 of the Act 

provides   for   easement   by   prescription   which   are 
independent provisions.  If the parties are legally entitled to 
exercise easementary right under both the provisions, it is 
open for them to do so.  Thus, when the plaintiff produced 
evidence in the present case in the trial Court regarding his 
right of way enjoyed by him and his predecessor in respect 
of   the   approach   way   to   the   suit   land   for   carrying 

agricultural   implements,   bullockcarts   etc.   and   when   the 
trial Court found the evidence sufficient so as to pass decree 
in favour of the plaintiff after recording conclusion that the 
defendant had obstructed right of way pleaded and proved 
by the plaintiff, the first Appellate Court was unnecessarily 
swayed away by argument on behalf of the defendant to 
deny legal right declared by the trial Court in favour of the 
plaintiff   on   the   basis   of   prescriptive   easementary   right. 
Under these circumstances, it appears that even in the case 
of Manikrao Narayanrao Bhoge and Others, this Court had 
set   aside   the   perverse   conclusion   recorded   by   the   first 
Appellate Court and restored the judgment and order which 
was   passed   by   the   trial   Court   in   that   case.   In   the   same 

manner, in this appeal also, I find that the first Appellate 
Court was unnecessarily swayed away by omission on the 
part   of   the   Commissioner   to   make   observations   in   his 
report.   The   first   Appellate   Court   ignored   voluminous 
evidence  on record in  the  form  of  oral testimony as also 
documentary evidence, map  annexed with  the  plaint  and 
the   admitted   fact   that   the   plaintiff   is   owner   under 

registered sale deed and is  required to approach the  suit 
field   by   using   the   way   which   in   the   past   was   part   of 
gaothan   land.     Therefore,   considering   the   well   reasoned 
judgment   of   the   trial   Court   delivered   with   reference   to 
evidence led by the parties, this Second Appeal needs to be 
allowed.  The Second Appeal is accordingly allowed.
The judgment and decree passed by the first Appellate 
Court in Regular Civil Appeal No.4 of 2002, dt.6.9.2006 is 
set aside accordingly and the judgment and decree passed 
by   the   trial   Court   in   Regular   Civil   Suit   No.103   of   1998, 
dt.10.12.2001 is restored.   No order as to costs.

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