In my considered opinion, the procedure laid down under
Section 125(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure for getting compliance of
the orders passed by the Magistrate under Section 125(1) of the Code will
have to be followed for executing the orders passed by the Magistrate under
Section 20 (Monetary Reliefs) of the Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act, 2005. The reliefs available under Section 125(1)(a) of the
Code of Criminal Procedure are analogous to the reliefs available under
Section 20 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
The procedure for getting compliance of the order passed under Section
125(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure is available under Section 125(3)
of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
8. Thus there is absolutely clear provision under the Code of
Criminal Procedure, which lays down as to how the amount of maintenance,
final or interim, is to be recovered. The Magistrate, in my opinion, could not
have issued nonbailable
warrant directly. He should have followed the
procedure laid down in subsection
(3) of Section 125 and Section 421 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure. In the scheme of Code of Criminal Procedure,
in the first place, the Magistrate was under obligation to issue a warrant for
levy of the amount by attachment and sale of any movable property. The
other remedy available was to issue a warrant to the Collector of the district,
authorising him to realise the amount as arrears of land revenue from the
movable or immovable property, or both of the defaulter. The Magistrate
could have sentenced the petitioner for the whole or any part of each
month's allowance for the maintenance or the interim maintenance and
expenses of proceeding, as the case may be, remaining unpaid after the
execution of the warrant, to imprisonment for a term which might extend to
one month or until payment if sooner made.
The Nagpur Bench of the Bombay High Court, in a judgment on May 6 ruled that Non-bailable warrants (NBWs) should be issued against defaulters only after exhausting other remedies available under law to recover arrears. It subsequently quashed a warrant issued against a man for failing to pay interim maintenance to his wife.
Mr. Sachin s/o Suresh Bodhale Vs Sau. Sushma w/o Sachin Bodhale,
DATED : 6 th MAY, 2014.
1. Heard learned Counsel Shri Sudhir Moharir for the petitioner
and learned Counsel Shri R.R. Vyas for the respondent.
2. Rule. Rule made returnable forthwith by the consent of the
learned Counsel appearing for the parties.
3. The petitioner has moved this Court by invoking powers of this
Court under Article 227 of the Constitution of India and Section 482 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure. The petitioner is aggrieved by the order passed
by the learned Magistrate in Misc. Criminal Application No.890/2012
(Sushma vs. Sachin). The order, which is questioned before this Court, reads
as under :“
Perused the application and stay.
Heard learned Advocate for both sides.
Applicant relied on 2013 All M.R.(Cri.) 2572. Learned
Advocate for N.A. has opposed that Magistrate has no powers.
N.A. has not paid any amount towards interim maintenance.
Learned Advocate has also confessed that N.A. has not paid any
amount towards interim maintenance order which is passed on
Exhibit 13.
Provision under Section 28(2) is very clear when N.A. has
not paid amount and not complied the order, she cannot be kept
high and dray. Magistrate is empowered under Section 28(2) to
issue N.B.W. Citation filed by applicant is very much applicable
in the case in hand. Hence application is allowed. Issue N.B.W.
against nonapplicant.”
4. The petitioner is husband of the respondent. The respondent
has filed an application under Section 12 of the Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence Act, 2005 before the learned Magistrate. An interim order
has been passed granting monetary relief. It appears that the petitioner has
not paid the amount to the respondent as per the interim order. A
warrant has been issued for nonpayment
of amount of interim
maintenance to the respondent by the petitioner. It appears from the order
of the learned Magistrate that the learned Magistrate was of the view that he
could formulate his own procedure under Section 28(2) of the Protection of
Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. It appears that the Magistrate
was also of the view that he can lay down his own procedure for recovery of
the amount of interim maintenance. Subsection
(2) of Section 28 of the
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 reads as under :“
28(2). Nothing in subsection
(1) shall prevent the court
from laying down its own procedure for disposal of an
application under section 12 or under subsection
(2) of section
1) of Section 28 of the said Act reads as under :“
28(1). Save as otherwise provided in this Act, all
proceedings under sections 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 and
offences under section 31 shall be governed by the provisions
of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974)”
5. Therefore, it is abundantly clear that basically the learned
Magistrate has to follow the procedure laid down in the Code of Criminal
Procedure for recovery of maintenance either final or interim. Subsection
(2) of Section 28 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,
2005 can be pressed into service when there is no provision available for
implementing a particular order passed under the Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence Act, 2005. If the procedure is available in Code of
Criminal Procedure, that is necessarily to be followed.
6. In my considered opinion, the procedure laid down under
Section 125(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure for getting compliance of
the orders passed by the Magistrate under Section 125(1) of the Code will
have to be followed for executing the orders passed by the Magistrate under
Section 20 (Monetary Reliefs) of the Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act, 2005. The reliefs available under Section 125(1)(a) of the
Code of Criminal Procedure are analogous to the reliefs available under
Section 20 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
The procedure for getting compliance of the order passed under Section
125(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure is available under Section 125(3)
of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which runs as under :“
125(3). If any person so ordered fails without sufficient
cause to comply with the order, any such Magistrate may, for
every breach of the order, issue a warrant for levying the amount
due in the manner provided for levying fines, and may sentence
such person, for the whole or any part of each month's
(allowance for the maintenance or the interim maintenance and
expenses of proceeding, as the case may be,) remaining unpaid
after the execution of the warrant, to imprisonment for a term
which may extend to one month or until payment if sooner
Provided that no warrant shall be issued for the recovery
of any amount due under this section unless application be made
to the Court to levy such amount within a period of one year
from the date on which it became due:
Provided further that if such person offers to maintain his
wife on condition of her living with him, and she refuses to live
with him, such Magistrate may consider any grounds of refusal
stated by her, and may make an order under this Section
notwithstanding such offer, if he is satisfied that there is just
ground for so doing.”
7. The procedure for levying of fines is available under Section
421 of the Code of Criminal Procedure as under :“
421. Warrant for levy of fine – When an offender has been
sentenced to pay a fine, the Court passing the sentence may take
action for the recovery of the fine in either or both of the
following ways, that is to say, it may (
a) issue a warrant for the levy of the amount by
attachment and sale of any movable property belonging to the
(b) issue a warrant to the Collector of the district,
authorising him to realise the amount as arrears of land revenue
from the movable or immovable property, or both of the
8. Thus there is absolutely clear provision under the Code of
Criminal Procedure, which lays down as to how the amount of maintenance,
final or interim, is to be recovered. The Magistrate, in my opinion, could not
have issued nonbailable
warrant directly. He should have followed the
procedure laid down in subsection
(3) of Section 125 and Section 421 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure. In the scheme of Code of Criminal Procedure,
in the first place, the Magistrate was under obligation to issue a warrant for
levy of the amount by attachment and sale of any movable property. The
other remedy available was to issue a warrant to the Collector of the district,
authorising him to realise the amount as arrears of land revenue from the
movable or immovable property, or both of the defaulter. The Magistrate
could have sentenced the petitioner for the whole or any part of each
month's allowance for the maintenance or the interim maintenance and
expenses of proceeding, as the case may be, remaining unpaid after the
execution of the warrant, to imprisonment for a term which might extend to
one month or until payment if sooner made.
9. As such the first option available to the Magistrate was to issue
a warrant for levying fine. If whole of the amount was recovered by
adopting the procedure under Section 421 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, the question of putting the defaulter in prison did not arise. In
case amount was not recovered or part of it was recovered and part of it was
not recovered, then the question would have arisen as to how much sentence
should be imposed on the defaulter as per the provision laid down in the
Code of Criminal Procedure. The stage of issuing warrant comes only after
sentencing and not before that.
10. In view of above discussion, it is abundantly clear that the
order dated 0242014
passed by the learned Magistrate in Misc. Criminal
Application No.890/2012 cannot be sustained. It needs to be quashed and is
accordingly quashed. The respondent is at liberty to take necessary steps in
accordance with law.
11. Rule is made absolute in the above terms.
Print Page
Section 125(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure for getting compliance of
the orders passed by the Magistrate under Section 125(1) of the Code will
have to be followed for executing the orders passed by the Magistrate under
Section 20 (Monetary Reliefs) of the Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act, 2005. The reliefs available under Section 125(1)(a) of the
Code of Criminal Procedure are analogous to the reliefs available under
Section 20 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
The procedure for getting compliance of the order passed under Section
125(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure is available under Section 125(3)
of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
8. Thus there is absolutely clear provision under the Code of
Criminal Procedure, which lays down as to how the amount of maintenance,
final or interim, is to be recovered. The Magistrate, in my opinion, could not
have issued nonbailable
warrant directly. He should have followed the
procedure laid down in subsection
(3) of Section 125 and Section 421 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure. In the scheme of Code of Criminal Procedure,
in the first place, the Magistrate was under obligation to issue a warrant for
levy of the amount by attachment and sale of any movable property. The
other remedy available was to issue a warrant to the Collector of the district,
authorising him to realise the amount as arrears of land revenue from the
movable or immovable property, or both of the defaulter. The Magistrate
could have sentenced the petitioner for the whole or any part of each
month's allowance for the maintenance or the interim maintenance and
expenses of proceeding, as the case may be, remaining unpaid after the
execution of the warrant, to imprisonment for a term which might extend to
one month or until payment if sooner made.
The Nagpur Bench of the Bombay High Court, in a judgment on May 6 ruled that Non-bailable warrants (NBWs) should be issued against defaulters only after exhausting other remedies available under law to recover arrears. It subsequently quashed a warrant issued against a man for failing to pay interim maintenance to his wife.
Mr. Sachin s/o Suresh Bodhale Vs Sau. Sushma w/o Sachin Bodhale,
DATED : 6 th MAY, 2014.
1. Heard learned Counsel Shri Sudhir Moharir for the petitioner
and learned Counsel Shri R.R. Vyas for the respondent.
2. Rule. Rule made returnable forthwith by the consent of the
learned Counsel appearing for the parties.
3. The petitioner has moved this Court by invoking powers of this
Court under Article 227 of the Constitution of India and Section 482 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure. The petitioner is aggrieved by the order passed
by the learned Magistrate in Misc. Criminal Application No.890/2012
(Sushma vs. Sachin). The order, which is questioned before this Court, reads
as under :“
Perused the application and stay.
Heard learned Advocate for both sides.
Applicant relied on 2013 All M.R.(Cri.) 2572. Learned
Advocate for N.A. has opposed that Magistrate has no powers.
N.A. has not paid any amount towards interim maintenance.
Learned Advocate has also confessed that N.A. has not paid any
amount towards interim maintenance order which is passed on
Exhibit 13.
Provision under Section 28(2) is very clear when N.A. has
not paid amount and not complied the order, she cannot be kept
high and dray. Magistrate is empowered under Section 28(2) to
issue N.B.W. Citation filed by applicant is very much applicable
in the case in hand. Hence application is allowed. Issue N.B.W.
against nonapplicant.”
4. The petitioner is husband of the respondent. The respondent
has filed an application under Section 12 of the Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence Act, 2005 before the learned Magistrate. An interim order
has been passed granting monetary relief. It appears that the petitioner has
not paid the amount to the respondent as per the interim order. A
warrant has been issued for nonpayment
of amount of interim
maintenance to the respondent by the petitioner. It appears from the order
of the learned Magistrate that the learned Magistrate was of the view that he
could formulate his own procedure under Section 28(2) of the Protection of
Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. It appears that the Magistrate
was also of the view that he can lay down his own procedure for recovery of
the amount of interim maintenance. Subsection
(2) of Section 28 of the
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 reads as under :“
28(2). Nothing in subsection
(1) shall prevent the court
from laying down its own procedure for disposal of an
application under section 12 or under subsection
(2) of section
1) of Section 28 of the said Act reads as under :“
28(1). Save as otherwise provided in this Act, all
proceedings under sections 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 and
offences under section 31 shall be governed by the provisions
of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974)”
5. Therefore, it is abundantly clear that basically the learned
Magistrate has to follow the procedure laid down in the Code of Criminal
Procedure for recovery of maintenance either final or interim. Subsection
(2) of Section 28 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,
2005 can be pressed into service when there is no provision available for
implementing a particular order passed under the Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence Act, 2005. If the procedure is available in Code of
Criminal Procedure, that is necessarily to be followed.
6. In my considered opinion, the procedure laid down under
Section 125(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure for getting compliance of
the orders passed by the Magistrate under Section 125(1) of the Code will
have to be followed for executing the orders passed by the Magistrate under
Section 20 (Monetary Reliefs) of the Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act, 2005. The reliefs available under Section 125(1)(a) of the
Code of Criminal Procedure are analogous to the reliefs available under
Section 20 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
The procedure for getting compliance of the order passed under Section
125(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure is available under Section 125(3)
of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which runs as under :“
125(3). If any person so ordered fails without sufficient
cause to comply with the order, any such Magistrate may, for
every breach of the order, issue a warrant for levying the amount
due in the manner provided for levying fines, and may sentence
such person, for the whole or any part of each month's
(allowance for the maintenance or the interim maintenance and
expenses of proceeding, as the case may be,) remaining unpaid
after the execution of the warrant, to imprisonment for a term
which may extend to one month or until payment if sooner
Provided that no warrant shall be issued for the recovery
of any amount due under this section unless application be made
to the Court to levy such amount within a period of one year
from the date on which it became due:
Provided further that if such person offers to maintain his
wife on condition of her living with him, and she refuses to live
with him, such Magistrate may consider any grounds of refusal
stated by her, and may make an order under this Section
notwithstanding such offer, if he is satisfied that there is just
ground for so doing.”
7. The procedure for levying of fines is available under Section
421 of the Code of Criminal Procedure as under :“
421. Warrant for levy of fine – When an offender has been
sentenced to pay a fine, the Court passing the sentence may take
action for the recovery of the fine in either or both of the
following ways, that is to say, it may (
a) issue a warrant for the levy of the amount by
attachment and sale of any movable property belonging to the
(b) issue a warrant to the Collector of the district,
authorising him to realise the amount as arrears of land revenue
from the movable or immovable property, or both of the
8. Thus there is absolutely clear provision under the Code of
Criminal Procedure, which lays down as to how the amount of maintenance,
final or interim, is to be recovered. The Magistrate, in my opinion, could not
have issued nonbailable
warrant directly. He should have followed the
procedure laid down in subsection
(3) of Section 125 and Section 421 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure. In the scheme of Code of Criminal Procedure,
in the first place, the Magistrate was under obligation to issue a warrant for
levy of the amount by attachment and sale of any movable property. The
other remedy available was to issue a warrant to the Collector of the district,
authorising him to realise the amount as arrears of land revenue from the
movable or immovable property, or both of the defaulter. The Magistrate
could have sentenced the petitioner for the whole or any part of each
month's allowance for the maintenance or the interim maintenance and
expenses of proceeding, as the case may be, remaining unpaid after the
execution of the warrant, to imprisonment for a term which might extend to
one month or until payment if sooner made.
9. As such the first option available to the Magistrate was to issue
a warrant for levying fine. If whole of the amount was recovered by
adopting the procedure under Section 421 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, the question of putting the defaulter in prison did not arise. In
case amount was not recovered or part of it was recovered and part of it was
not recovered, then the question would have arisen as to how much sentence
should be imposed on the defaulter as per the provision laid down in the
Code of Criminal Procedure. The stage of issuing warrant comes only after
sentencing and not before that.
10. In view of above discussion, it is abundantly clear that the
order dated 0242014
passed by the learned Magistrate in Misc. Criminal
Application No.890/2012 cannot be sustained. It needs to be quashed and is
accordingly quashed. The respondent is at liberty to take necessary steps in
accordance with law.
11. Rule is made absolute in the above terms.
I have a similar case where interim maintenance has been granted to me under DV ACt. Can magistrate issue the warrant for non payment interim maintenance despite High Court's order.