Wednesday 21 May 2014

What is M.I.S.T Injury and how to deal with it it?

M.I.S.T. This is an acronym that stands for Minor Impact, Soft Tissue. Insurance companies use it to refer to an auto accident, usually a rear-end collision, where there is minimal damage to the vehicles involved and the injuries do not involve broken bones. The individual suffers injuries to the soft tissues (ligaments, facet capsules, muscles) that hold the body together. This type of injury is typically referred to as whiplash.
Recent studies investigating minor impact accidents, with high-speed cameras and sophisticated crash dummies, show that the neck and body snap in reaction to even very minor impacts. These studies show that the lower cervical vertebrae (lower bones in the neck) are forced into a position of hyperextension while the upper cervical vertebrae (upper bones in the neck) are in a hyperflexed position, leading to an abnormal S-shape in the cervical spine. Currently, medical providers believe that this abnormal motion causes damage to the soft tissues that hold the cervical vertebrae together.

Advances in automobile seat belts and head restraints may help reduce the risk of whiplash if used properly. Head rests are designed to prevent the head from moving into hyperextension during a rear end collision if positioned directly behind the head. If the head rest is positioned below the head it could in fact lead to further hyperextension after a rear end collision. You should make sure to use your head rest and seat belts properly and at all times while driving.
Whiplash can range from mild to severe, and can cause permanent injury. Symptoms of whiplash include: headaches, neck pain and stiffness, shoulder pain and stiffness, dizziness, fatigue, jaw pain, arm pain, arm weakness, visual disturbances, ringing in the ears and back pain. You should seek medical attention promptly after an accident to have the true extent of your injuries diagnosed. Do not take your pain lightly. Today’s diagnostic tools (imaging devices like CT Scans, MRIs, and Ultrasound), allow medical professionals to quickly identify and treat whiplash.
Many insurance companies deny coverage to individuals who are injured in M.I.S.T. cases, or try to low ball them with settlement offers that don’t even cover the cost of medical treatment. Our clients tell us that they view a denial letter as the insurance company saying they are lying, and they are right. The insurance companies are good at holding onto money and view most injured people as exaggerating injuries when there is minimal damage to the vehicles involved.. If you have suffered soft tissue or whiplash injuries as a result of an auto accident, it’s important to hold the negligent party responsible for your losses.
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