In this case, learned Counsel Mr. Shri Singh contends that even though there was no objection when PW-1 marked the exhibits; question was put to PW-38 Vyanket Bhanudas Patil about the need for Section 65-B certificate and its absence in the case of CCTV footage particularly when Section 65-B certificate was furnished for CDR report by the police. Relevant part of the deposition of PW-38 reads as under:
It is correct to say that while calling the CDR reports, I called the certificates Under Section 65-B of Evidence Act. It is correct to say that I was aware that while collecting the electronic evidence, the certificate is required. It is correct to say that I have not collected the certificate for CCTV footage. It is correct to say that I have not taken any authority letter from railway or said company to show that Chandramani Pandey has authority to handle the CCTV server. It is correct to say that the papers which were received from the Kanjur Marg police station, no such certificate was received. {Para 41}
42. The deposition of PW-38, when this question was put, was recorded on 18.06.2015 when the judgment in Anvar P.V. (supra) was holding the field. The prosecution ought to have taken a cue and attempted to remedy the situation. They have not done so.
43. We are dealing with a criminal case where the Accused is being tried for the offences which involve capital punishment. A court of law in this scenario cannot be technical about the manner of objections that are raised. Even though objection has not been raised specifically when the CCTV footage was exhibited by PW- 1, when PW-38 was in the witness box a specific question was put to him and subsequent to evidence, he deposed that he was aware of the necessity of furnishing 65-B certificate while collecting electronic evidence. On the facts of the present case, we are inclined to treat it as an objection taken at the earliest point in time. Thus, when the prosecution was aware of the need for the 65-B(4) certificate and they themselves collected it for the CDRs there was no reason as to why they did not collect the same for the CCTV footage.
51. In view of the above, we are not able to place any reliance on the CCTV footage, insofar as an attempt is made by the prosecution to attribute that the Appellant and the deceased EA were last seen together based on the CCTV footage. We eschew the same from consideration.
Criminal Appeal No. 879 of 2019
Decided On: 28.01.2025
Chandrabhan Sudam Sanap Vs. The State of Maharashtra
Hon'ble Judges/Coram:
B.R. Gavai, Prashant Kumar Mishra and K.V. Viswanathan, JJ.
Author: K.V. Viswanathan, J.
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